Online course on CSR now available

The e-learning course ‘Introduction to CSR’ was developed by the International Trade Center – ITC (Geneva, Switzerland), the Import Promotion Desk – IPD (Germany), and Centre for the Promotion of Imports from developing countries – CBI (Netherlands). For companies, the participation in the CSR e-learning course is free of charge. It takes a total of 4 hours and must be completed in 2 weeks. Participants can plan these 4 hours according to their own schedule. Once participants have clicked through the presentation, actively participated in the forum and completed the course evaluation, they will receive a certificate of participation.

Thematically, the course focuses on the seven core areas from the ISO 26000 guidelines. It introduces participants to corporate social responsibility (CSR) for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The program begins by introducing participants to the definition and importance of CSR. There is a particular focus on the business drivers of CSR involvement for an SME. Highlighting the risks and rewards of becoming involved in CSR, the course presents the concept in terms of 3 pillars, covering many concrete sustainability topics.

Finally, the course concludes by explaining participants how to understand their company’s position in the CSR environment, and provides them with a “CSR readiness checklist”, which will help SMEs identify the most productive way for them to engage with various aspects of CSR.

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Determine the importance of CSR to their organisation and its stakeholders;
  • Identify relevant topics and instruments to develop their CSR strategy;
  • Complete the CSR readiness checklist.

For more information on the CSR program, please contact