
Pilot projects

Development partnerships with the private sector: develoPPP.de

What is supported?

  • Sustainable pilot investments in which development objectives and business interests match, e.g. improvement of environmental, social and quality standards, value chain development, qualification and training, improvement of resource and energy efficiency (funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development – BMZ).

What do GIZ/ DEG offer?

  • Financial or technical support
  • 100K EUR to 2 million EUR (min. 35% of the project cost, normally 50%)

Who can participate?

  • German and other European companies, companies in developing and emerging countries

How to apply?

  • develoPPP.de ideas competitions at the end of each quarter
  • DEG/ GIZ assess the projects
  • DEG/ GIZ + companies develop a detailed project concept
Criteria for projects Criteria for companies
  • Compliant with development objectives and go beyond the company’s bottom line
  • > 800K EUR annual turnover
  • Public and private resources and funds should complement each other
  • > 8 employees
  • Subsidiarity: Without the public contribution the project will not be implemented
  • At least 2 operative business years
  • Sustainability: The project is part of the company’s long-term involvement in the target country
  • develoPPP ventures for smaller companies starting 2020
  • Private sector contribution: recognisable commercial interest of the company; company has to contribute at least 50% of total costs (cash and/ or in-kind)
Project partners 
  • BBraun, GIZ
  • Improve occupational safety and health (OSH) and more general infection prevention and control (IPC) in health care facilities in Cambodia
Project partners 
  • The Pepper Hill, Kreativmarkt Handelsgesellschaft, GIZ
  • Reintroduce eco-friendly, traditional pepper-farming-methods in Kampot area and strengthen the region as quality pepper producer
  • Establish access to international markets
Project partners 
  • Aquatec Reuter, Comped, Innovative Umwelttechnik GmbH, DEG
  • Introduce a sanitary wastewater treatment system in remote areas


Project Development Programme (PDP)

What is supported?

  • The Project Development Programme (PDP) supports German suppliers of climate friendly energy solutions. It is implemented by GIZ within the scope of the German Energy Solutions Initiative

What does PDP offer?

  • In cooperation with otherGIZ projects and German Chambers of Commerce abroad, PDP offers a wide range of free services
  • Information: national policies, regulations, market potentials, solar technologies, financing models
  • Project development: technological and financial feasibility
  • Preparation of tender documents according to international standards
  • Find business partners in Germany

Who can participate?

  • German suppliers of climate-friendly energy solutions entering rapidly growing markets in developing and emerging countries
  • Clients or customers in target countries

How to apply?
