German Companies from Vietnam explore Cambodian Market

19 Private Sector Delegates visit Cambodia for Increased Economic Cooperation

A German company delegation from neighbouring Vietnam visited Phnom Penh from May 9 to 11 to connect with high-level local political and private sector stakeholders, conduct site visits, and take part in joint networking activities. German Business Cambodia had the pleasure of delivering a briefing to the delegates to kick off the visit, represented by Tassilo Brinzer, President of GBC, Stefan Bonin, Managing Director of Rieckermann Cambodia, and Christoph Janensch, GIZ Business Scout for Development.

In Cambodia the 19 company representatives met with H.E. Cham Nimul, Cambodian Minister of Commerce, to discuss Cambodia’s trade policies and services in order to identify avenues of economic engagement within the country. This was followed by a networking reception at the German Ambassador’s Residence, drawing a wide representation from the local German business community.

The following day included meetings with the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) and World Bridge, exploring investment prospects in the country. Delegates then visited the management of Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone and a manufacturing company located within. The program concluded with the joint networking event “Connected Through Food”, hosted by EuroCham Cambodia, to bring together more relevant stakeholders.

The delegation trip highlighted Cambodia’s potential as a so-called Vietnam Plus One investment destination, provided the new government persists in pursuing its current commitments: “Cambodia’s business-friendly governance- and administrative reforms should further underscore its ambition to become an additional investment destination in the region”, stated Brinzer during the visit. With the number of German government and business delegations to Cambodia more than doubling last year, German interest in the country is on the rise.

The visit to the Kingdom was organized by German Industry and Commerce (AHK) in Vietnam and the German Business Association (GBA) Vietnam. “We are grateful for the support of German Ambassador to Cambodia, Mr. Tassilo Brinzer – Chairman of EuroCham Cambodia, and the collaboration with AHK Vietnam” noted Ms. Quynh Anh Le, Executive Director of GBA upon the successful conclusion of the trip.