Germany has always been a cornerstone to support the Kingdom with the hub of services for sustainable society and economy growth
Germany has been cooperating with Cambodia since 1967 and celebrated 50 years of diplomatic relations with the Kingdom in 2017. This journey of growth and refinement has been focused chiefly on the three pillars of Development, Business and Cultural partnerships to foster regional economic progress, improve the health sector, and promote democracy, civil society and public administration.
Supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), work consists of a selection of capacity building programmes, project implementation as well as grant and loan accessibility through its implementing agencies Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and KfW Development Bank, German NGOs, and political foundations. All these activities have brought the journey of development of the Kingdom to the next level of growth and competence in the local and international landscape. Also, these programmes have improved the living conditions of millions of households in rural areas thanks to 37 million Euros in development funding provided by Germany in 2017 and 2018.
With the vision of providing market information about Cambodia to German companies, cooperative activities strive to produce market research, matchmaking and outreach programmes promoting trade and dialogue between Cambodia and Germany.
The three important drivers of German economic activities are the German Business Group Cambodia (ADW), the Business Scouts for Development Programme, previously known as Global Business Network (GBN) Programme, that is implemented by GIZ and commissioned by BMZ, and AHK Myanmar. The ADW is also a key founding member of EuroCham Cambodia. Additionally, Germany Trade & Invest provides market information about Cambodia to German companies looking to do business in and with Cambodia.
Not standing away from the tree of culture that encompasses human lives, the cultural partnership sector promotes the appreciation of Western art through contemporary art exhibitions, Arthouse film screenings, performing arts, German language classes, and educational outreach in schools and universities.
A showcase of traditional culture combining contemporary art is situated at Meta House Phnom Penh. Collaborating with the German Cultural Foundation, the space features a collection of independent art and accommodates a gallery and event space, a language training house, library, and restaurant.
Another partner, Art Plus Foundation makes a great effort to promote the development of Western Classical Music in Cambodia by staging concerts at Meta House and other venues.
The German engagement continues its journey towards prosperity for the Kingdom with hard work and the goal of achieving sustainable development for the future.
Christoph Janensch, Business Scouts for Development
Programme in Cambodia
Tel: +855 (0)85 641 723