International tenders
Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI)
- Provides an overview of current invitations to tender by KfW Development Bank and other international donors, such as the World Bank, the EU Commission and many other bilateral and multilateral donors
- Information in the early stage of development projects on the envisaged project content, promotion volumes, deadlines and contact addresses
GIZ eProcurement Tender Platform
- GIZ eProcurement Tender Platform allows interested companies to download tender documents from the Internet, communicate online with the federal enterprise on any questions and then submit bids entirely digitally
Further links
- NGO Database: https://www.ccc-cambodia.org/en/ngodb
- Public Procurement Portal: www.gdpp.gov.kh
- DailyBids: www.dailybids.com.kh
- CambodiaTenders: www.cambodiatenders.com
- Asian Development Bank (ADB): www.adb.org/projects/tenders
- World Bank Group: www.worldbank.org/en/projects-operations/products-and-services/procurement-projects-programs
- UN Global Market Place: www.ungm.org/Public/Notice