Germany offers young people the best chances for the future

The British government has concluded a comprehensive annual survey that compares conditions for young people globally and their chances for the future. The “Global Youth Development Index and Report 2016” by the Commonwealth Secretariat researches the opportunities for young people between 15 and 29 years in 183 countries worldwide: levels of education, health and well-being, employment and opportunity, political participation and civic participation.

Youth in Germany highly benefit from excellent employment perspectives, outstanding political participation involvement, and very good access to education.

As of 2016, youth population comprises 1.8 billion people of whom 90 percent live in less developed countries. In his foreword Joseph Muscat, Prime Minister of Malta, pointed out that “youth development can be achieved even in low-income countries by providing quality education and training and allowing young people to participate in the nation’s political, economic and social life.”

The full report is available here:

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