- Posted on: July 3, 2019
The third edition of the White Book was launched on July 1st and presents 65 policy proposals intended to improve the business environment and regulatory framework in Cambodia. Its suggestions were developed by the local European Chamber of Commerce these through extensive consultations with EuroCham members participating in ten Sectoral Committees.
The information and views put forward in White Book 2019 are solely intended to promote constructive dialogue and offer suggestions for the improvement of Cambodian–European business relations. The chamber’s intention is to serve as a constructive partner to the Royal Government of Cambodia. Therefore, every issue raised is presented with a realistic solution that could be implemented by the relevant authorities within the short to medium-term.
According to EuroCham’s chairman Arnaud Darc, this updated publication “is the result of a methodical revision over the last 18 months under the guidance and expertise of our ten sectoral committees, to provide realistic solu¬tions to overcome the regulatory and structural barriers that exist when doing business in the Kingdom. We envisage that over the coming years, the reforms that we seek through this White Book, will enhance the Cambodian business environment, and ultimately drive greater flows of trade and investment to and from Europe and beyond. […]
A willingness to welcome and embrace change through meaningful reforms is essential for Cambodia to navigate itself through the disruptive geopolitical landscape that threatens today’s economy. Under these circumstances, it is EuroCham’s hope that our third White Book will once again be welcomed by the Royal Government and all stakeholders in Cambodia’s development, as a means to provoke and engage discussion. We look forward to another round of results-driven dialogue that will support the Royal Government to take a systematic and complementary approach to policymaking that enables a more conducive regulatory and business environment.”
To download the full report, please click here (available in English and Khmer)